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Cyprus Hart
Nov 17, 20211 min read
Romance Tropes
I think about this on occasion. The Romance genre has a lot of tropes, because there are a lot of different people who like a wide...
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Cyprus Hart
Sep 15, 20211 min read
Why I Write Romance
So, you might be asking, or maybe not, but I'm assuming you're asking, "Cyprus, why do you write romance?" What an excellent question!...
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Cyprus Hart
Sep 4, 20212 min read
Writer's Privilege
Hey guys! Today I wanted to touch on a quick subject which bothers me on occasion. I often hear authors say something long the lines of...
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Cyprus Hart
Aug 28, 20213 min read
I guess I've decided to start a blog. Seems like the thing to do, yes? We'll aim for once a week and see how it goes from there! So what...
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